Keystone Heights Airshow

Keystone Heights Lakes

Keystone Heights lakes

Most of Keystone Heights' lakes do not have a creek or stream to supply them with water. They are sometimes referred to as “seepage lakes”. This seepage comes from what is known as the Surficial Aquifer. The Surficial Aquifer gets its water from the water table and from the pressurized waters from the Floridan Aquifer and the Intermediate Aquifer. The lakes in Keystone Heights are very unique in the fact that they serve as a recharge to the Floridan Aquifer by capturing rainfall and slowly seeping down into the aquifer.

Our lakes over the last 30 years have suffered. The lakes are making a come back and levels are already beginning to rise. Save Our Lakes has been instrumental in this effort. They have worked tirelessly with the water management districts and other government bodies to restore the lakes in the area. They continue to work on the restoration process and to educate others about the issues at hand.

Save Our Lakes, Inc. Organization's purpose is to maintain and enhanc the quality of life for Lake Property owners in and around the City of Keystone Heights, Florida. For complete information about their goals, findings and reports, click on the link above to visit their website where you will find valuable and accurate information about the Greater Keystone Heights Area lakes. Links are also provided for the St John River Water Management District as well as the Florida Lake Watch.

The efforts of Save Our Lakes will no doubt restore and preserve the area lakes for many years to come. Please visit their website for more information and how you can become involved.

  • Brooklyn Bridge in Keystone Heights, 2010
  • Lake Brooklyn 2005, Keystone Heights, FL
  • Lake Brooklyn, Keystone Heights, FL in 2010
  • Lake Brooklyn behind Sabo's in Keystone Heights, FL 1998
  • Lake Geneva in Keystone Heights, FL

This site is not the official site of the City of Keystone Heights, FL. It is provided to enable residents, visitors and those considering relocating to Keystone Heights, FL to have access to information pertaining to our Lake Area. Anyone possessing information that could be valuable and that is in keeping with the purpose of this site can submit their request by emailing the webmaster through the link provided to that effect. For information on Keystone Heights businesses, you may visit the website The owner of this website reserves the right to refuse to publish any and all information that is deemed to be unrelated to its purpose, or which contains offensive or inappropriate content for the benefit of the community. For information on the Starke area click here.

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